memset(0x3f) is now on Netease Cloud Music!

memset(0x3f) is now on Netease Cloud Music!

memset(0x3f) is now officially a Netease Cloud Music Musician! 6 original tracks have already gone online, which include:

  • Disk New
  • Disk Pand0ra
  • Retro Secret
  • Ohm’s Law (Original Mix)
  • First Awakening
  • Melee Droid Tier 2

Works in the future will also be published on Netease Cloud Music (abbr. as NCM below) simultaneously. Everyone can listen to my songs for free or download them with payment on the platform.

My copyright notice still applies so you can still use all of my original music works (except otherwise specified) for free. Also the free download links of my past or future works will be continuously put on the memset(0x3f) special page.

Limited by the time and energy, I will also suspend my audio.com and Afdian accounts at the same time. If you want to support me financially, you can give me a donate on Bilibili, or download/purchase my music works on NCM.

It has been more than one year since I started my music career as memset(0x3f). Entering NCM is a brand new start for me. NCM will become a platform where I can seek for more listeners and serve for and interact with them. Although memset(0x3f) is still way far from renowned and all my songs only counted few views, I keep believing that there is somebody, even if only one, who came to listen to my new songs (and not leaving a like or comment) at the first time, witnessed the progress of my skills, and accompanied with me in the music world along the way. Thank you to everyone who keeps supporting me, both tangible and intangible. I will keep my passion for music and my gratitude to every listener, hoping that I would have a chance to show my work on broader stages and achieve my music dream.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.