avatar /home/robomico

Ref Sheet


Self Intro

  • Robo is the abbreviation for “Robot”, Mico is the name
  • Birthday: 11/19
  • Computer nerd
  • YouTuber/Video Uploader on Bilibili, music producer (artist name is memset(0x3f))
  • Fav color: Blue (#11acdf), Orange (#f98d17)
  • Fav games: Minecraft, All kinds of rhythm games (Phigros, Arcaea, osu!mania, etc.)

In Real Life

  • An average student in senior high (in Senior grade so plz do not disturb me)
  • Lives in Jiangxi Province, China
  • Natively speaking Chinese, English is ok for simple conversations
  • Used-to-be Competitive Programming (CP) player, Provincial First Prize winner in NOIP 2023


Social links & my email are in the Links menu or at the bottom of the sidebar. Commercial requests and commissions are currently closed.